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Reimagining Jakarta – Towards a Climate-Resilient Future

21 Oktober 2024 | 19:00 - 21:30

Twelve young civil servants from Jakarta (a sister city of Rotterdam) participated in DUTEP (Dutch Training and Exposure Program) in September and October 2024, which took place for the 10th time this year.

This program focuses on knowledge exchange and capacity building, with a focus on integrated urban water management and urban development.

The municipality of Rotterdam was one of the partners, where civil servants worked on a case from Jakarta and received guidance from fellow civil servants. During the evening we will present how Jakarta deals with challenges such as flooding, land subsidence and the lack of public space. We also look back on their stay in Rotterdam and how the city serves as inspiration for greening, sustainability and climate resilience.

Would you like to join us, kindly e-mail: Wiwi Tjiook:

For more information on DUTEP, please check this article:


21 Oktober 2024
19:00 - 21:30


Timmerhuis – Auditorium 0.704 – ground floor
Halvemaanpassage 90
Rotterdam, 3011 DL Netherlands


IDN Liveable Cities
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