Event Description
‘Indonesia Liveable Cities Update” is an event aimed to exchange knowledge and lessons learned from initiatives happening in Indonesia in the field of urban development. This event is also a form of information dissemination about the recent developments in Indonesia for diasporas and other partners directly from the source.
In this event, the role of the young generation in Indonesia’s urban development will be raised. Many studies show that the young generation does not only represent the future of a country, but also they are one of the society’s main agents of change and progress.
Inspired by this, in Session 1 IDN Liveable Cities would like to take this opportunity to share two youth-related initiatives that happened in Indonesia and were done by Indonesian young generations.
Session 2, will focus on presentations by two young Dutch professionals, a landscape architect and an architect, who graduated on topics located in Indonesia for their Master thesis. As the creative industry in The Netherlands is one of the so-called top sectors, it is interesting to learn if the design approach differs from the Indonesian one. Through this event we hope to contribute to bilateral relations between Indonesia and the Netherlands and to inspire each other while striving for liveable and sustainable cities.
Event Information
Day, date : Friday, 4 November 2022
Time : 18:00-21:00 Amsterdam Time
Format : Offline event
Venue : KBRI Den Haag (Embassy of Republic of Indonesia in the Netherlands) Tobias Asserlaan 8, 2517 KC Den Haag, Netherlands
Fee : EUR 12,73 (includes delicious Indonesian cuisine)
Please register before November 1, 2022 through:
Hope to meet you on November 4.
Best regards,
Wiwi Tjiook
landscape architect
IDN Liveable Cities
e: wiwi.tjiook@gmail.com